Chat Subtopics: A Smart Feature or a Chat Killer?

woman right fist with words "focus" Photo by Chase Clarkon Unsplash

Chat subtopics are a feature that allows users to create separate threads, or chat channels, within a larger conversation, usually based on a specific theme or question. They are designed to help organize and manage discussions, especially in large or complex groups. But are they really useful, or just a way to clutter the chat?

I’m a founder of Caughtup LLC, an app that makes it easier to spend time with others, and I’m constantly think about how to improve our customer experience. Here I’m sharing my thoughts on Chat Subtopics. For the product we’re making, a platform for casual communication, I think it’s not a good fit because of the fragmentation. Think about how you chat with your friends now. Do you use chat channels? Why not?

There are a lot of pros and cons to adding features. And I’m sure that certain people will prefer one design and functionality over the other. But, that’s the hard part of design, it can be very subjective. Here are the top pros and cons I think exist.

The Pros of Chat Subtopics

Chat subtopics can have some benefits, such as:

The Cons of Chat Subtopics

Chat subtopics can also have some drawbacks, such as:

The Verdict

Chat subtopics are not a bad idea, but they are not for everyone. They can be useful for some situations and groups, but they can also be annoying and unnecessary for others. The best way to decide whether to use chat subtopics or not is to consider the following factors:

In conclusion, chat subtopics are not a bad idea, but they are not a one-size-fits-all solution. They can be helpful or harmful, depending on how and when they are used. The key is to find the right balance and fit for your group and chat. And remember, you can always create or delete subtopics as you go, or just stick to the main chat. The choice is yours. Happy chatting! 😊
